Friday, March 4, 2011

The Love of my life..........

I'm in relationship with a guy for past 8 years....He was my classmate when i was in 11th standard. He was very cute, caring, good looking and funny guy. I was always interested in him but i never made it clear for him to understand my feelings. After fooling around for couple of months we finally started dating each other. I never thought that a guy like him would be so loyal towards his GF. But he proved me wrong. Its been so many years and by God's grace we're still going strong even after so many difficulties. Hope we always remain like this.......
Me and My Sweetu

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yummy Pizzas......

I'm a big foodie and this fact is evident by the kilos i gain every year..... There are lots of foods that i just cannot resist. One of them bein Pizza... - mouth watering, filled with cheese. Whenever i'm hungry the 1st image that comes to my mind is Dominoz's Cheese Burst / Double Burst Pizza. But very strangely i've  never been able to finish up an entire pizza by myself. I can only eat upto 2 pieces or max 2 max 3 piece. But i just cant control myself if its infront of me..... Writing this blog is making me hungry......So now its time to grab one.....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Its Mahashivratri........

Shivaratri is a Hindu festival celebrated every year on the 13th night/14th day in the Krishna Paksha (waning moon) of the month of Maagha (as per Shalivahana or Gujarati Vikrama) or Phalguna (as per Vikrama) in the Hindu Calendar (that is, the night before and day of the new moon). The festival is principally celebrated by offerings of Bael (Bilva) leaves to the Lord Shiva, all day fasting and an all night long vigil. Per scriptural and discipleship traditions, the penances are performed in order to gain boons in the practice of Yoga and meditation, in order to reach life's summum bonum steadily and swiftly.
Hope everybody has enjoyed this festival the way they wanted to.